論文リスト 2011年
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Original Papers

  1. Arakawa M., Kagi H., Fernandez-Baca J.A., Chakoumaks B.C. and Fukazawa H. (2011) Neutron diffraction study of hydrogen-ordered ice XI: Annealing effect and memory effect. Physics and Chemistry of Ice 2010 (Edited by Furukawa Y., Sazaki G., Uchida T. and Watanabe N.), Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, 329-338.

  2. Arakawa M., Kagi H., Fernandez-Baca, J.A., Chakoumakos B.C. and Fukazawa H. (2011) The existence of memory effect on hydrogen ordering in ice: The effect makes ice attractive.Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L16101.

  3. Bull C.L., Guthrie M., Archer J., Fernandez-Diaz M-T., Loveday J.S., Komatsu K., Hamidov H. and Nelmes R.J. (2011) High-Pressure Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction to 10 GPa by Angle-Dispersive Techniques. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 44, 831-838.

  4. Fukazawa H., Arakawa M., Kagi H., Yamauchi H., Fernandez-Baca J.A. and Chakoumaks B.C. (2011) Structure and Properties of Ferroelectric Water Ice. Physics and Chemistry of Ice 2010 (Edited by Furukawa Y., Sazaki G., Uchida T. and Watanabe N.), Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo, 421-428.

  5. Gotou H., Yagi T., Okada T., Iizuka R. and Kikegawa T. (2011) A simple opposed-anvil apparatus for high pressure and temperature experiments above 10 GPa. High Pressure Research, 31, 592-602, doi:10.1080/08957959.2011.618130.

  6. Iizuka R., Kagi H., Komatsu K., Ushijima D., Nakano S., Sano-Furukawa A., Nagai T. and Yagi T. (2011) Pressure responses of portlandite and H-D isotope effects on pressure-induced phase transitions. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 777-785, doi:10.1007/s00269-011-0450-3.

  7. Kamiya N., Tsunomori F., Kagi H. and Notsu K. (2011) Dynamic light scattering study of the inhibiting effect on crystal growth of calcium carbonate. Bulletin of Chemical Society of Japan, 84, 344-348, doi:10.1246/bcsj.20100228

  8. Komatsu K., Sano-Furukawa A. and Kagi H. (2011) Effects of Mg and Si ions on the symmetry of δ-AlOOH. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 38, 727-733.

  9. Komatsu K., Kagi H., Yasuzuka T., Koizumi T., Iizuka R., Sugiyama K. and Yokoyama Y. (2011) A design of backing seat and gasket assembly in diamond anvil cell for accurate single crystal x-ray diffraction to 5 GPa. Review of Scientific Instruments, 82, 105107, doi:10.1063/1.3646460.

  10. Maruyama K., Yoshino T. and Kagi H. (2011) Synthesizing a composite material of amorphous calcium carbonate and aspartic acid. Materials Letters, 65, 179-181.

  11. Matsui M., Komatsu K., Ikeda E., Sano-Furukawa A., Gotou H. and Yagi T. (2011) The crystal structure of δ-Al(OH)3: Neutron diffraction measurements and ab initio calculations. American Mineralogist, 96, 854-859.

  12. Muramoto M., Michibayashi K., Ando J. and Kagi H. (2011) The influence of water on the creep strength of garnet and clinopyroxene in the mantle wedge. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 184, 14-33.

  13. Naemura K., Ikuta D., Kagi H., Odake S., Ohi S., Uyeda T., Kobayashi T., Svojtka M. and Hirajima T. (2011) Diamond and other possible ultra-deep evidence discovered in the orogenic spinel-garnet peridotite from the Moldanubian Zone of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic. Ultra High Pressure Metamorphism: 25 years after the discovery of Coesite and Diamond. (Edited by Dobrzhinetskaya L., Faryad S.W., Wallis S. and Cuthbert S.) , Elsevier, 77-111.

  14. Sano-Furukawa A., Kuribayashi T., Komatsu K., Yagi T. and Ohtani E. (2011) Investigation of hydrogen sites of wadsleyite: A neutron diffraction study. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 189, 56-62.

  15. Shimizu K., Sarashina I., Kagi H. and Endo K. (2011) Possible functions of Dpp in gastropod shell formation and shell coiling. Development, Genes and Evolution, in press.

  16. Sumino H., Dobrzhinetskaya L.F., Burgess R. and Kagi H. (2011) Deep-mantle-derived noble gases in metamorphic diamonds from the Kokchetav massif, Kazakhstan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 307, 439-449, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.05.018.

  17. Yamamoto J., Otsuka K., Ohfuji H., Ishibashi H., Hirano N. and Kagi H. (2011) Retentivity of CO2 in fluid inclusion in mantle minerals. European Journal of Mineralogy, 23, 805-815.

  18. Yasuzuka T., Komatsu K. and Kagi H. (2011) A revisit to high pressure transitions of pyridine: a new phase transition at 5 GPa and formation of a crystalline phase over 20 GPa. Chemistry Letters, 40, 733-735, doi:10.1246/cl.2011.733.


  1.  裕之 (2011) パルス中性子源を用いた高圧下での中性子回折測定. セラミックス, 46, 428-432.

  2. 小松一生 (2011) 層状含水鉱物ギブサイトの圧力誘起相転移における水素結合の役割. 日本結晶学会誌, 53, 25-29.


Proceedings and Abstracts

  1. Aoki K., Machida A., Honda M., Hattori T., Sano-Furukawa A., Watanuki T., Katayama Y., Komatsu K., Arima H., Ohshita H., Otomo T., Tsubota M., Doi K., Ichikawa T., Kojima Y. and Kim D.Y. (2011) Pressure-Induced Phase Separation with Intersite Hydrogen Transfer in Rare-earth Metal Hydride. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (Tsukuba, Japan).

  2. Arima H., Hattori T., Abe J., Sano-Furukawa A., Komatsu K., Kagi H. and Inoue T. (2011) Devices Development for High Pressure Neutron Diffractometer PLANET at J-PARC. AIRAPT-23 (International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology) (Mumbai, India).

  3. Bajo K., Sumino H. and Nagao K. (2011) Constraints on Cosmic-Ray Exposure History of the Vaca Muerta Mesosiderite from Noble Gas Analysis of Neutron Irradiated Samples. 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society (London, UK), Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 46 (Supplement), A14.

  4. Honda M., Hattori T., Machida A., Sano-Furukawa A., Katayama Y., Aoki K., Arima H., Komatsu K., Ohshita H. and Otomo T. (2011) Neutron diffraction study on the pressure-induced cubic-tetragonal structural distortion in LaD2 using total scattering spectrometer NOV. IUCr2011 (Madrid, Spain).

  5. Iizuka R., Kagi H., Komatsu K., Yagi T. and Nakano S. (2011) In situ observation of the pressure-induced phase transitions and the H-D isotope effects in portlandite. 21st Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference (Prague, Czech Republic), Mineralogical Magazine, 75, 1078.

  6. Kagi H. (2011) Neutron diffraction studies on deep-earth and planetary materials (invited talk). 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (Tsukuba, Japan).

  7. Komatsu K., Iizuka R., Gotou H., Sano-Furukawa A., Abe J., Arima H., Hattori T. and Kagi H. (2011) Evaluation of zirconia anvils for use in neutron scattering experiments under pressur. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (Tsukuba, Japan).

  8. Machida A., Honda M., Hattori T., Sano-Furukawa A., Watanuki T., Katayama Y., Aoki K., Komatsu K., Arima H., Ohshita H., Otomo T., Tsubota M., Ichikawa T., Kojima Y. and Kim D.Y. (2011) X-ray and Neutron Diffraction Studies of Pressure-induced Phase Separation of LaD2. AIRAPT-23 (International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology) (Mumbai, India).

  9. Maruyama K., Yoshino T. and Kagi H. (2011) Pressure-induced crystallization of amorphous calcium carbonate: the relationship between the water content and pressure response. The 6th Biomineralization Workshop (Tokyo, Japan), P13.

  10. Okuchi T., Sasaki S., Ohno Y., Abe J., Arima H., Osakabe T., Sano-Furukawa A., Hattori T., Utsumi W., Komatsu K. and Kagi H. (2011) Neutron powder diffraction using compact anvil cell and focused beam at J-PARC. AIRAPT-23 (International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology) (Mumbai, India).

  11. Sakamoto K., Nakamurat T., Nakashima D. and Kita T. (2011) The timing and the heating conditions of compound chondrule formation. 2011 Japan-Korea joint meeting of isotope-ratio Mass Spectrometry (Busan, Korea), P12.

  12. Sano-Furukawa A., Komatsu K., Hattori T., Nagai T., Kagi H., Molaison J.J., Moreira Dos Santos A.F. and Tulk C.A. (2011) Neutron diffraction study on δ-AlOOH at high pressure. AIRAPT-23 (International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology) (Mumbai, India).

  13. Sano-Furukawa A., Kuribayashi T., Komatsu K., Yagi T. and Ohtani E. (2011) Determination of hydrogen sites of nominally anhydrous minerals of the mantle transition zone. 1st Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering (Tsukuba, Japan).

  14. Yamaguchi Y., Komatsu K., Kagi H. and Machida S. (2011) Metastable ices crystallized from salty amorphous ice under high pressure. 2011 GL-GRC Inter-Institutional Science Symposium (Wasington DC, USA).

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