論文リスト 2015年
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Original Papers

  1. Bull C.L., Johnson M.W., Hamidov H., Komatsu K., Guthrie M., Gutmann M.J., Loveday J.S., and Nelmes R.J. (2015) An improved method for calibrating time-of-flight Laue single-crystal neutron diffractometers. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 47, 974-983.

  2. Fujimoto C., Shinozaki A., Mimura K., Nishida T., Gotou H., Komatsu K. and Kagi H., (2015) Pressure-induced oligomerization of alanine at 25 oC. Chemical Communications, 51, 13358-13361, doi:10.1039/c5cc03665h

  3. Komatsu K., Shinozaki A., Machida S., Matsubayashi T., Watanabe M., Kagi H., Sano-Furukawa A. and Hattori T. (2015) Crystal structure of magnesium dichloride decahydrate determined by x-ray and neutron diffraction under high pressr. Acta Crystallographica Section B, 71, 74-80.

  4. Hattori T., Sano-Furukawa A., Arima H., Komatsu K., Yamada A., Inamura Y., Nakatani T., Seto Y., Nagai T., Utsumi W., Iitaka T., Kagi H., Katayama Y., Inoue T., Otomo T., Suzuya K., Kamiyama T., Arai M. and Yagi T. (2015) Design and performance of high-pressure PLANET beamline at pulsed neutron source at J-PARC. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A, 780, 55-67.

  5. Maruyama K., Kagi H., Inoue T., Ohfuji H. and Yoshino T. (2015) In situ observation of pressure-induced crystallization from amorphous calcium carbonate by time-resolved X-ray diffraction. Chemistry Letters, 44, 434-436. (Editor's Choice)

  6. Matsukage K.N., Nishihara Y., Noritake F., Kawamura K., Tsujino N., Sakurai M., Higo Y., Nakajima J., Hasegawa A. and Takahashi E. (2015) Elastic wave velocity anomalies of anorthite in subducting plate: In situ experiments. American Mineralogist, 100, 1856-1866, doi:10.2138/am-2015-5240

  7. Mironov V.P., Rakevich A.L., Stepanov F.A., Emel’yanova A.S., Zedgenizov D.A., Shatsky V.S., Kagi H. and Martynovich E.F. (2015) Luminescence in diamonds of the Sao Luiz placer (Brazil). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 56, 729-736.

  8. Noritake F. and Kawamura K. (2015) The nature of Si-O-Si bridging via molecular orbital calculations. Journal of Computer Chemistry, Japan, (in press)

  9. Noritake F., Kawamura K. and Matsukage K.N. (2015) Elastic anomalies of anorhite: Molecular dynamics simulations. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interior, 244, 32-41, doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2015.05.002

  10. Zedgenizov D.A., Shatsky V.S., Panin A.V., Evtushenko O.V., Ragozin A.L. and Kagi H. (2015) Evidence for phase transitions in mineral inclusions in superdeep diamonds of the Sao Luiz deposit (Brazil). Russian Geology and Geophysics, 56, 296-305.

Proceedings and Abstracts

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