
Original Paper

  1. Fukuyama K., Ohtani E., Shibazaki Y., Kagi H. and Suzuki A. (2017) Stability field of phase Egg, AlSiO3OH, at high pressure and high temperature: a possible water reservoir in mantle transition zone. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 112, 31-35.
  2. Haba M. K., Yamaguchi A., Kagi H., Nagao K. and Hidaka H. Trace element composition and U-Pb age of zircon from Estherville: Constraints on the timing of the metal-silicate mixing event on the mesosiderite parent body. Geochemica Cosmochimica Acta215, 76-91.
  3. Hara H., Nakamura Y., Hara K., Kurihara T., Mori H., Iwano H., Danhara T., Sakata S., Hirata T. (2017) Detrital zircon multi-chronology, provenance, and low-grade metamorphism of the Cretaceous Shimanto accretionary complex, eastern Shikoku, Southwest Japan: Tectonic evolution in response to igneous activity within a subduction zone, Island Arc, 26(6), doi: 10.1111/iar.12218.
  4. Hattori K., Sakata S., Tanaka M., Orihashi Y. and Hirata T. (2017) U-Pb age determination for zircons using laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry equipped with six multiple-ion counting detectors. J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 32, 88-95.
  5. Higashi Y., Itoh S., Hashiguchi M., Sakata S., Hirata T., Watanabe K. and Sakaguchi I. (2017) Hydrogen diffusion in the apatite–water system: fluorapatite parallel to c-axis, Geochem. Journal, 51, 115-122.
  6. Iizuka-Oku R., Yagi T., Gotou H., Okuchi T., Hattori T. and Sano-Furukawa A. (2017) Hydrogenation of iron in the early stage of Earth’s evolution. Nature Communications, 8, 14096 doi:10.1038/ncomms14096.
  7. Iguchi M., Nakamichi H., Tameguri T., Yamamoto K., Mori T., Ohminato T. and Saito E. (2017) Contribution of monitoring data to decision making for evacuation from the eruptions in 2014 and 2015 at Kuchinoerabujima volcano, Japan. Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 38, 31-47.
  8. Isozaki Y., Yamamoto S., Sakata S., Obayashi H., Hirata T., Obori K., Maebayashi T., Takeshima S., Ebisuzaki T., Maruyama S. (2017) High-reliability zircon separation for hunting the oldest material on Earth: An automatic zircon separator with image-processing/microtweezers-manipulating system and double-step dating, Geoscience Frontiers, 4, 1-11.
  9. Ito K., Ujiie K. and Kagi H. (2017) Detection of increased heating and estimation of coseismic shear stress from Raman spectra of carbonaceous material in pseudotachlytes. Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/2016GL072457.
  10. Kawakami T., Higashino F., Skrzypek E., Satish-Kumar M., Grantham G., Tsuchiya N., Ishikawa M., Sakata S., Hirata T. (2017) Prograde infiltration of Cl-rich fluid into the granulitic continental crust from a collision zone in East Antarctica (Perlebandet, Sør Rondane Mountains), Lithos, 274-275, 73-92.
  11. Kawakami T., Yamamoto T., Yata K., Ishii M., Watanabe Y., Mizumaki M., Kawamura N., Ishimatsu N., Takahashi H., Okada T., Yagi T., Kageyama H. (2017) Effect of Fe-site Substitution on Pressure-induced Spin Transition in SrFeO2, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 124716 (10.7566/jpsj.86.124716)
  12. Klotz S., Komatsu K., Kagi H., Kunc K., Sano-Furukawa A., Machida S. and Hattori T. (2017) Bulk modulus and equation-pf-state of ice VII and its extension to ice VIII. Physical Review B, 95, 174111.
  13. Kobayashi M., Sumino H., Nagao K., Ishimaru S., Arai S., Yoshikawa M., Kawamoto T., Kumagai Y., Kobayashi T., Burgess R. and Ballentine C.J. (2017) Slab-derived halogens and noble gases illuminate closed system processes controlling volatile element transport into the mantle wedge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457, 106-116.
  14. Komiya K., Yamamoto S., Aoki S., Koshida K., Shimojo M., Sawaki Y., Aoki K., Sakata S., Yokoyama T. D., Maki K., Ishikawa A., Hirata T. and Collerson K. D. (2017) Influence of contamination on banded iron formations in the Isua supracrustal belt, West Greenland: Reevaluation of the Archean seawater compositions. Geoscience Frontiers, in press.
  15. Kuwahara H., Gotou H., Shinmei T., Ogawa N., Yamaguchi A., Takahata A., Sano Y., Yagi T., and Sugita S. (2017) High Pressure Experiments on Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Chlorine in a Magma Ocean: Implications for Terrestrial Chlorine Depletion, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18, 3929-3945 (10.1002/2017GC007159)
  16. Makino Y., Ohara S., Yamada M., Mukoyama S., Hattori K., Sakata S., Tanaka Y., Suzuki T., Shinohara A., Matsukawa T., Yokoyama Y. and Hirata T. (2017) Quantitative elemental bioimaging protocol using femtosecond-laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry coupled with glass standard reference material. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. special volume, in press.
  17. Maruyama K., Kagi H., Komatsu K., Yoshino T. and Nakano S. (2017) Pressure-induced phase transition of vaterite, a metastable phase of CaCO3. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, in press.
  18. Maruyama S., Danhara T., Hirata T. (2017) Re-identification of Shishimuta-Pink tephra samples from the Japanese Islands based on simultaneous major- and trace-element analyses of volcanic glasses, Quaternary International, 456, 180-194.
  19. Mori T., Morita M., Iguchi M., and Fukuoka Regional Headquarters (2017) Sulfur dioxide flux monitoring using a public ferry after the 2014 eruption of Kuchinoerabujima Volcano, Japan. Journal of Natural Disaster Science, 38,105-118.
  20. Obayashi H., Tanaka M., Hattori K., Sakata S., Hirata T. (2017) In-situ 207Pb/206Pb Isotope Ratio Measurement using Dual-Daly Ion Counting ICP-Mass Spectrometer, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 32, 686 – 691.
  21. Saitoh H., Machida A., Sugimoto H., Yagi T. and Aoki K. (2017) P-V-T relation of the Fe-H system under hydrogen pressure of several gigapascals. JALCOM, 706, 520-525.
  22. Sakata S., Hirakawa S., Iwano H., Danhara T., Guillong M. and Hirata T. (2017) A new approach for constraining the magnitude of initial disequilibrium in Quaternary zircons by coupled uranium and thorium decay series dating. Quaternary Geochronology, 38, 1-12.
  23. Shibano Y., Takahata K., Kawano J., Watanabe T., Enomoto D., Kagi H., Kamiya N. and Yamamoto J. (2017) Raman spectroscopic determination of Sr/Ca ratios of calcite samples. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 48, 1755-1761.
  24. Shinozaki A., Komatsu K., Kagi H., Fujimoto C., Shinichi M. Sano-Furukawa S. and Hattori T. (2017) Behavior of intermolecular interactions in α−glycine under high pressure. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 044507.
  25. Takahashi S., Kagi H., Fujimoto C., Shinozaki A., Gotou H., Nishida T. and Mimura K. (2017) Pressure-induced freeze concentration of alanine aqueous solution as a novel field of chemical reaction. Chemistry Letters, 46, 334-337.
  26. Takatsuka K., Kawakami T., Skrzypek E., Sakata S., Obayashi H., Hirata T. (2017) Age gap between the intrusion of gneissose granitoids and regional high-temperature metamorphism in the Ryoke belt (Mikawa area, central Japan). Island Arc, in press.
  27. Tanaka Y., Takata K., Kawasaki T., Shinohara A., Ishikawa-Takata K., Hirata T. (2017) Iron isotope signature in red blood cell samples from Japanese female donors of various ages. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. special volume, in press.
  28. Tanaka Y., Yajima N., Higuchi Y., Yamato H., Hirata T. (2017) Calcium isotope signature: new proxy for net change in bone volume for chronic kidney disease and diabetic rats, Metallomics, 9, 1745-1755.
  29. Tanaka Y., Yajima N., Okada M., Matsumoto T., Higuchi Y., Itoh Y., Yamato H., Hirata T. (2017) Effect of Mg and Sr onto the crystallinity of bones evaluated through Raman spectroscopy and laser ablation-ICPMS analysis, Analyst, 142, 4265–4278.
  30. Tsunomori F., Shimodate T., Ide T. and Tanaka H. (2017) Radon concentration distributions in shallow and deep groundwater around the Tachikawa fault zone. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 172, 106-112.
  31. Yamane R., Komatsu K. and Kagi H. (2017) Development of a new Bridgman-type high pressure cell for accurate dielectric measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments, 88, 046104. doi: 10.1063/1.4980154.
  32. Yokoyama, T., Nagai, Y., Hinohara, Y. and Mori, T. (2017) Investigating the influence of nonspectral matrix effects for determination 22 trace elements in rock samples by ICP-QMS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, in press.
  33. Watanabe M., Komatsu K., Noritake F. and Kagi H. (2017) Structural incorporation of MgCl2 into ice VII at room temperature. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 56, 05FB03.

Review, Books

  1. Makino Y., Ohara S., Yamada M., Mukoyama S., Hattori K., Sakata S., Tanaka Y., Suzuki T., Shinohara A., Matsukawa T., Yokoyama K., Hirata T. (2017) Quantitative elemental bioimaging protocol using femtosecond-laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry coupled with glass standard reference material, Metallomics : Recent Analytical Techniques and Applications, ed. Yasumitsu Ogra and Takafumi Hirata, Springer, pp. 93 – 106.
  2. Tanaka Y., Takata K., Kawasaki T., Shinohara A., Ishikawa-Takata K., Hirata T. (2017) Iron isotope signature in red blood cell samples from Japanese female donors of various ages, Metallomics : Recent Analytical Techniques and Applications, ed. Yasumitsu Ogra and Takafumi Hirata, Springer, pp. 239 – 263.
  3. Hirata T. (2017) Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Springer-EGC.
  4. 角野浩史, 貴志智, 野村龍一, 三部賢治, 舘野繁彦, 鍵裕之 (2017) 高温高圧実験で探る地球深部始源的希ガスリザーバーの在処. 高圧力の科学と技術, 27, 266-277.