Original Paper
- Ishibashi H., Kagi H., Odake S., Ohfuji H. and Kitawaki H. (2016) Relationship between textural and photoluminescence spectral features of natural polycrystalline diamonds, carbonado and implication for its origin. Geochemistry International, 54, 882-889.
- Kawakami T., Hokada T., Sakata S. and Hirata T. (2016) Possible polymetamorphism and brine infiltration recorded in the garnet-sillimanite gneiss, Skallevikshalsen, Lützow-Holm Complex, East Antarctica. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 111, 129-143.
- Kagi H., Zedgenizov D.A., Ohfuji H. and Ishibashi H. (2016) Micro- and nano-inclusions in a superdeep diamond from Sao Luiz, Brazil. Geochemistry International, 54, 834-838.
- Klotz, S., Komatsu K., Pietrucci F., Kagi H., Ludl A.-A., Machida S., Hattori T., Sano-Furukawa A. and Bove L.E. (2016) Ice VII from aqueous salt solutions: From a glass to a crystal with broken H-bonds. Scientific Reports, 6, 32040.
- Komatsu K., Noritake F., Machida S., Sano-Furukawa A., Hattori T., Yamane R. and Kagi H. (2016) Partially ordered state of ice XV. Scientific Reports, 6, 28920.
- Maruyama S., Hattori K., Hirata T. and Danhara T. (2016) A proposed methodology for analyses of wide-ranged elements in volcanic glass shards in the Quaternary widespread tephras. Quaternary International, 397C, 267-280. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.
- Maruyama S., Hattori K., Hirata T., Suzuki T. and Danhara T. (2016) Simultaneous determination of 58 major and trace elements in volcanic glass shards from the INTAV sample mount using femtosecond laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry. Geochemical Journal, 50, 403 – 422.
- Mori T., Hashimoto T., Terada A., Yoshimoto M., Kazahaya R., Shinohara H. and Tanaka R. (2016) Volcanic plume measurements using a UAV for the 2014 Mt. Ontake eruption. Earth Planets and Space, 68, 49. doi:10.1186/s40623-016-0418-0.
- Morita M., Mori T., Kazahaya R. and Tsuji H. (2016) Diffuse carbon dioxide emissions from hidden subsurface structures at Asama volcano, Japan. Bull. Volcanol., 78, 17, doi:10.1007/s00445-016-1008-5.
- Nagai Y. and Yokoyama T. (2016) Molybdenum isotopic analysis by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry (N-TIMS): effects on oxygen isotopic composition. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 31, 948-960.
- Noguchi N., Kubo T., Durham W.B., Kagi H. and Shimizu I. (2016) Self-diffusion of polycrystalline ice Ih under confining pressure: Hydrogen isotope analysis using 2-D Raman imaging. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 287, 40-47.
- Sakata S., Hirakawa S., Iwano H., Danhara T., Guillong M. and Hirata, T. (2016) A new approach for constraining the magnitude of initial disequilibrium in Quaternary zircons by coupled uranium and thorium decay series dating. Quaternary Geochronology, 38, 1-12.
- Sawaki Y., Li Y., Asanuma H., Sakata S., Suzuki K., Hirata T. and Windley B. F. (2016) New chronological constraints on Neoarchean gneisses, Proterozoic cover sediments, and Triassic granite, Jixian, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 459, 182–197.
- Shinozaki A., Kagi H., Hirai H., Ohfuji H., Okada T., Nakano S. and Yagi T. (2016) Preferential dissolution of SiO2 from enstatite to H2 fluid under high pressure and temperature. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 43, 277-285. DOI10.1007/s00269-015-0792-3.
- Shinozaki A., Mimura K., Nishida T., Inoue T., Nakano S. and Kagi H. (2016) Stability and partial oligomerization of naphthalene under high pressure at room temperature. Chemical Physics Letters, 662, 263-267.
- Skrzypek E., Kawakami T., Hirajima T., Sakata S., Hirata T. and Ikeda T. (2016) Revisiting the high temperature metamorphic field gradient of the Ryoke Belt (SW Japan): New constraints from the Iwakuni-Yanai area. Lithos, 260, 9–27.
- Suzuki Y., Mukai H., Ishimura T., Yokoyama T., Sakata S., Hirata T., Iwatsuki T. and Mizuno T. (2016) Formation and Geological Sequestration of Uranium Nanoparticles in Deep Granitic Aquifer. Scientific Report, 6, 1-6. doi:10.1038/srep2270.
- Tomiyama S., Minami M., Nakamura T., Mimura K. and Kagi H. (2016) Changes of chemical structure and composition of charcoal by radiocarbon pre-treatments: decontamination by ABA and ABOx treatments. Radiocarbon, 58, 565-581.
- Yamamoto T., Ohkubo H., Tassel C., Hayashi N., Kawasaki S., Okada T., Yagi T., Hester J., Avdeev M., Kobayashi Y. and Kageyama H. (2016) Impact of Lanthanoid Substitution on the Structural and Physical Properties of an Infinite-Layer Iron Oxide. Inorg. Chem., 55, 12093-12099. DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b02513
- Yuguchi T., Iwano H., Kato T., Sakata S., Hattori K., Hirata, T., Sueoka S., Danhara T., Ishibashi M., Sasao E. and Nishiyama R. (2016) Zircon growth in a granitic pluton with specific mechanisms, crystallization temperatures and U-Pb ages: Implication to the “spatiotemporal” formation process of the Toki granite, central Japan. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 111, 9-34.
- Zedgenizov D.A., Ragozin A.L., Kalinina V.V. and Kagi H. (2016) The features of Ca-mineralogy of inclusions in sublithospheric diamonds. Geochemistry International, 54, 919-930.
- 平田岳史、坂田周平、槇納好岐、小原聖也、向山翔、服部健太郎、杉浦悠毅、Thomas Walczyk、昆慶明、折橋裕二、鈴木敏弘(2015)レーザーアブレーションーICP質量分析法、J. Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 63, 153-158.
- 平田岳史, 坂田周平, 藤本万寿人 (2016) レーザーアブレーション ICPMSの進歩と展望, ぶんせき, 1, 9-16.
- 平田岳史, 田中満隆, 大林秀行, 服部健太郎, 坂田周平 (2016) 元素・同位体精密測定のためのイオン検出器, Mass Spectrom. Soc. Jpn., 64, 225-235.
- 風早竜之介, 森俊哉 (2016) 火山ガス観測研究から見る地下のマグマ挙動および 噴火現象の解釈. 火山, 61(1), 155-170.
- 飯塚理子 (2016) 開口角の広い対向型アンビルの開発とCa(OD)2の圧力誘起相転移. 高圧力の科学と技術, 26, 128-130.
- 小松一生 (2016) 中性子散乱実験のための温度圧力可変システム―Mito system―の開発. 高圧力の科学と技術, 26, 119-127.
- 小松一生 (2016) バルク金属ガラスのピストンシリンダーへの応用. 高圧力の科学と技術, 26, 35-40.
- 志水宏行, 菅野洋, 松尾直弥, 森田雅明 (2016) 火山学勉強会2015報告. 火山, 61(3), 559-562, doi:10.18940/kazan.61.3_559.
- Yagi T. (2016) Hydrogen and oxygen in the deep Earth, Nature, 534, 183-184.
- Hirata T. (2016) In-situ isotope ratio measurements using multi-ion counting ICP-MS coupled with laser ablation sample introduction technique, Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Tucson, USA (2016年1月15日, プレナリー講演).
- Hirata T. (2016) Combination of MALDI and LA-ICPMS Imaging for biochemical samples, 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Laser-Ablation and Micro-Analyses, Wuhan, China (2016年12月1日, 基調講演).
- 平田岳史 (2016) レーザーアブレーション-ICP-MSを用いた生体試料の元素イメージング分析, サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック・イメージングセミナー, 東京, 日本 (2016年3月24日, 招待講演).