Original Papers
- Suzuki T., Okada H., Nakagawa T., Komatsu K., Fujimoto C., Kagi H., and Matsuo Y. (2018) Fluorenylidene-acridane that becomes dark color by grinding – Ground state mechanochromism by conformational change. Chemical Science, 9, 475-482.
- Suzuki T., Sakata S., Makino Y., Obayashi H., Ohara S., Hattori K., Hirata T. (2018) iQuant2 : software for rapid and quantitative imaging using laser ablation-ICP mass spectrometry” to “Mass Spectrometry, accepted in Journal of Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan.
- Fukuda K., Fujiya W., Hiyagon H, Makino Y., Sugiura N, Takahata N., Hirata T., Sano Y. (2018) Beryllium-boron relative sensitivity factors for melilitic glasses measured with a NanoSIMS ion microprobe, Geochemical Journal, 52., in press.
Takatsuka K., Kawakami T., Skrzypek E., Sakata S., Obayashi H., Hirata T. (2018) Spatiotemporal evolution of magmatic pulses and regional metamorphism during a Cretaceous flare-up event: constraints from the Ryoke belt (Mikawa area, central Japan), Lithos, 308-309, 428-445.
Takatsuka K., Kawakami T., Skrzypek E., Sakata S., Obayashi H., Hirata T. (2018) Age gap between the intrusion of gneissose granitoids and regional high-temperature metamorphism in the Ryoke belt (Mikawa area, central Japan). Island Arc, 27, e12224.
Iwano H., Danhara T., and Hirata T. (2018) Standardless fission-track ages of the IUGS age standards, Chemical Geology, 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.04.011.
Suzuki T., Sakata S., Makino Y., Obayashi H., Ohara S., Hattori K., and Hirata T. (2018) iQuant2: software for rapid and quantitative imaging using laser ablation-ICP mass spectrometry, Mass Spectrometry (Tokyo), 7 (A0065), 3 – 9.
Fukuda K., Fujiya W., Hiyagon H., Makino Y., Sugiura N., Takahata N., Hirata T., and Sano Y. (2018) Beryllium-boron relative sensitivity factors for melilitic glasses measured with a NanoSIMS ion microprobe, Geochemical Journal, 52, 255-262, 10.2343/
geochemj.2.0510. -
Miyazaki K., Ikeda T., Matsuura H., Danhara T., Iwano H., Hirata T. (2018) A high-T metamorphic complex derived from the high-P Suo metamorphic complex in the Omuta district, northern Kyushu, southwest Japan, Island Arc, 10.1111/iar.12208.
Asanuma H., Sawaki Y., Sakata S., Obayashi H., Suzuki K., Kitajima K., Hirata T., Maruyama S. (2018) U–Pb zircon geochronology of the North Pole Dome adamellite in the eastern Pilbara Craton, Island Arc, 10.1111/iar.12248.
Miyazaki K., Ikeda T., Matsuura H., Danhara T., Iwano H., Hirata T. (2018) Ascent of migmatites of a high-temperature metamorphic complex due to buoyancy beneath a volcanic arc: a mid-Cretaceous example from the eastern margin of Eurasia, International Geology Review, 10.1080/00206814.2018.1443403.
Endo S., Miyazaki K., Danhara T., Iwano H., Hirata T. (2018) Progressive changes in lithological association of the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex, SW Japan: relict clinopyroxene and detrital zircon perspectives, Island Arc, 10.1111/iar.12261.
Ido K., Obayashi H., Zhu Y., Hirata T., Hokura A., Nonose N., Inagaki K. (2018) Quantitative Analysis of Major and Minor Elements in Lead-free Solder Chip by LA-ICP-MS, Anal. Sci., 34, 693 – 699.
Ishii C., Nakayama S. M.M, Kataba A., Ikenaka Y., Saito K., Watanabe Y., Makino Y., Matsukawa T., Kubota A., Yokoyama K., Mizukawa H., Hirata T., Ishizuka M. (2018) Characterization and imaging of lead distribution in bones of lead-exposed birds by ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS, Chemosphere, 212, 994 – 1001.
笹尾 英嗣、檀原 徹、岩野英樹、平田岳史(2018)
岐阜県南東部に分布する中新統瑞浪層群および岩村層群のジルコン U-Pb年代とジルコンFT年代の再評価、地質学雑誌、124、 141-150, 10.5575/ geosoc.2017.0067. -
Aonishia T., Hirata T., Kuwatani T., Fujimoto M., Chang Q., Kimura J. (2018) Numerical inversion method for improving spatial resolution of elemental imaging by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, J. Anal. Atom. Spectrom., 33, 2210-2218.
Tateno S., Hirose K., Sakata S., Yonemitsu K., Ozawa H., Hirata T., Hirao N., Ohishi Y. (2018) Melting phase relations and element partitioning in MORB to lowermost mantle conditions, J. Geophys. Res. (Solid Earth), 10.1029/
2018JB015790. -
Matsui K., Kimura Y., Nagata M., Inose H., Ikeda K., Beatty B., Obayashi H., Hirata T., Otoh S., Shinmura T., Agematsu S., Sashida K. (2018) A long-forgotten “dinosaur” bone from a museum cabinet, uncovered to be a Japan’s iconic extinct mammal, Royal Society Open Science, 10.1098/
rsos.172441. -
Yuguchi T., Sueoka S., Iwano H., Izumino Y., Ishibashi M., Danhara T., Sasao E., Hirata T., Nishiyama T. (2018) Position-by-position cooling paths within the Toki granite, central Japan: Constraints and the relation with fracture population in a pluton, Asian Earth Sciences, 10.1016/
j.jseaes.2018.07.039. -
Skrzypek E., Kato T., Kawakami T., Sakata S., Hattori K., Hirata T. and Ikeda T. (2018) Monazite Behaviour and Time-scale of Metamorphic Processes along a Low-pressure/High-temperature Field Gradient (Ryoke Belt, SW Japan), Journal of Petrology, 59, 1109–1144.
Yokoyama T., Kimura J., Mitsuguchi T., Danhara T., Hirata T., Sakata S., Iwano H., Maruyama S., Chang Q., Miyazaki T., Murakami H., Saito-Kokubu Y. (2018) U-Pb dating of calcite using LA-ICP-MS: Instrumental setup for non-matrix-matched age dating and determination of analytical areas using elemental imaging, Geochem. J., 10.2343/geochemj.2.0541.
- Broadley M.W., Kagi H., Burgess R., Zedgenizov D., Mikhail S., Almayrac M., Ragozin A., Pomazansky B. and Sumino H. (2018) Plume-lithosphere interaction, and the formation of fibrous diamonds. Geochemical Respectives Letters, 8, 26-30.
- Sano-Furukawa A., Hattori T., Komatsu K., Kagi H., Nagai T., Molaison J.J., dos Santos A.M. and Tulk C. A. (2018) Direct observation of symmetrization of hydrogen bond in d-AlOOH under mantle conditions using neutron diffraction. Scientific Reports, 8, 15520.
- Ujiie K., Saishu H., Fagereng Ake, Nishiyama N., Otsubo M., Masuyama H. and Kagi H. (2018) An Explanation of Episodic Tremor and Slow Slip Constrained by Crack‐Seal Veins and Viscous Shear in Subduction Mélange, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 10.1029/2018GL078374
- Ishii Y., Komatsu K., Nakano S., Machida S., Hattori T., Sano-Furukawa A., Kagi H. (2018) Pressure-induced stacking disorder in boehmite, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 16650. doi 10.1039/c8cp02565g
- Chanyshev A., Litasov K., Rashchenko S., Sano-Furukawa A., Kagi H., Hattori T., Shatsky A., Dymshits A., Sharygin I. and Higo Y. (2018) High-pressure high-temperature study of benzene: refined crystal structure and new phase diagram up to 8 GPa and 923 K., Crystal Growth and Design, 18, 3016-3026. DOI: 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00125
- Shinozaki A., Komatsu K., Kagi H., Fujimoto C., Machida S., Sano-Furukawa A., Hattori T. (2018) Behavior of intermolecular interactions in α-glycine under high pressure. Journal of Chemical Physics, 148, 044507.
- Suzuki T., Okada H., Nakagawa T., Komatsu K., Fujimoto C., Kagi H., and Matsuo Y. (2018) Fluorenylidene-acridane that becomes dark color by grinding – Ground state mechanochromism by conformational change. Chemical Science, 9, 475-482.
- Shimizu K., Kimura K., Isowa Y., Oshima K., Ishikawa M., Kagi H., Kitou K., Chiba S., Endo K. (2018) Insights into the evolution of shell and love dart of terrestrial snails revealed from their matrix proteins. Genome Biology and Evolution, 11, 380-397.
Reviews and Books
- 橋本武志, 寺田暁彦, 森 俊哉 (2018) ドローンによる火山観測, 地理, 63-2, 29-35.
- 鍵 裕之、福山 鴻、飯塚理子 (2018) マントルでの軽元素のふるまい, 月刊地球(核ーマントル相互作用と共進化)465, 339-344.
- 小松一生, お茶の水女子大学こども園 出前実験, 2018/1/27.
- R. Iizuka-Oku, T. Yagi, H. Gotou, T. Okuchi, T. Hattori, and A. Sano-Furukawa, Behavior of Hydrogen in the Early Stage of Earth’s Evolution. Research and Development Highlights, MLF annual report 2017, J-PARC. 2018年12月発行
- Komura T., Kagi H., Ishikawa M., Yasui M., Sasaki T. (2018) Spectroscopic investigation of shell pigments of the family Neritidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda), Biomineralization – From Molecular and Nano-structural Analyses to Environmental Science, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-1002-7_8