講演者1:山下恵史郎 (Keishiro Yamashita)
Title: Structural analyses of high pressure phases of magnesium chloride hydrate from single crystal X-ray diffraction and powder neutron diffraction
Water (H2O) is one of the ubiquitous materials in the world. In spite of its simple molecule structure it forms various poly morphs, at least 18, according to the conditions and their history. Its unique physical properties are ascribed to hydrogen bond network composed of tetrahedral H2O molecules. On the other hand, such water structure is broken by ion, for instance, trigonal geometry of H2O molecules coordinating with ion e.g. Mg2+ and incompatibility of normal ice (Ih) with ions. Therefore ions are generally unfavoured in hydrogen bond network.
Salt hydrate is one of the chemical species which consist of ion and water. It contains hydration shell in its crystal structure. MgCl2 has variety of hydrates (n = 1, 2 , 4, 6, 8, 12) at ambient pressure and recently reported unique one (n = 10) under high pressure. Decahydrate has tetrahedral water molecules even in 1st hydration shell and forms bifurcated unique bonds between deuterium and chlorines, that the stability under high pressure is attributed to. The dominant factors on the stability of the crystals under high pressure is considered to differ from that at ambient pressure. If so, existence of other unique hydrates under high pressure are expectable and actually unknown phases were observed in previous experiments. However, it was totally unknown, even its composition ratio.
In this study, I grew single crystals of 2 high pressure phases of magnesium chloride hydrate from solution under high pressure using DAC. Their structures were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction in our laboratory and hydrogen positions of one of them were done by neutron powder diffraction in J-PARC BL-11 (PLANET). I will talk about the newly determined structures of these high pressure phases of magnesium chloride hydrate and compare them with ambient pressure phases and reported high pressure phase.
講演者2:山下修司 (Shuji Yamashita)
タイトル:多重検出器型 ICP 質量分析計を用いたナノ粒子の元素・同位体分析
Title: Elemental and Isotope Ratio Analysis on Single Nanoparticles using a Multiple Collector-ICPMS
講演者のグループでは,デイリーイオン検出器・マルチプライヤー検出器を搭載した多重検出器型ICP質量分析計による高精度同位体測定を行なっている(Obayashi et al., 2017).本研究では,これらの検出器に独立した高速読み出し機能(測定周波数100,000 Hz)を応用し,dwell timeを10 µsまで短く設定できるシステムを構築した.最大で4検出器を用いた同時計測が実現できるため,単一ナノ粒子中の元素,あるいは同位体の検出が可能である.さらに注目すべき点は,多重検出器型ICP質量分析計ではデューティー比(Duty cycle)がほぼ100%となっているため,精密な元素・同位体組成比だけではなく,ナノ粒子の粒径分析も可能である.
本研究では水に分散させたPtナノ粒子(nanoComosix社製)を用い,Ptの同位体分析を試みた.ここではPtナノ粒子の個数濃度は約50,000個/mLとした.試料溶液をGlass Expansion社製のネブライザー(吸い上げ速度0.2 mL/min)で噴霧し,プラズマイオン源に導入した.計測には多重検出器型ICP質量分析計(Nu Instruments社製Nu Plasma Ⅱ)を用い,4つの検出器でそれぞれの同位体信号を同時計測した.dwell timeは20 µs(測定周波数50,000 Hz)とし,ピークの同定と定量的な解析には当研究室で独自に開発した処理ソフト(NanoQuant)を用いた.同位体比の計算に際しては,各検出器で同時に検出された信号のピーク高さ,あるいはピーク面積を用い,単一ナノ粒子中のPt同位体分析を行った.50 nmの白金ナノ粒子に対して192Pt, 194Pt, 195Pt, 196Ptを同時計測した.各同位体信号は同時に検出され,全ての同位体信号は同一のPtナノ粒子に由来すると考えてよい.実際の同位体比を決定するには,Pt標準溶液を用いた検出器のゲインの補正と質量差別効果の補正を行う必要がある.本発表ではPtナノ粒子のPt同位体分析の分析性能について言及する.