Date: 16:00 – 18:00, Friday, June 24, 2022
Speaker: Xuejing He
Title: Hydrogen-bonding configuration of synthetic fluorine-doped hydrous minerals under high pressure
Fluorine (F) is supposed to be the most abundant halogen element in the mantle (20 ppm in the primitive mantle) (McDonough and Sun 1995). The circulation of F in the Earth’s interior is among the deep volatile cycles (H, C, N, S, noble gases, halogens, etc.) which play important roles in the mantle geological processes. The substitution of fluorine can affect minerals’ water storage capacity, phase stability range, bulk modulus, crystal structure, hydrogen-bonding (H-bonding) configuration, etc. (e.g. Grützner et al. 2018; Li et al. 2021; Yoshino and Jaseem 2018)
Fluorine-bearing hydrous minerals and phases play an important role in the deep F circulation by transporting F into the mantle via the subduction process (Pagé and Hattori 2019). F can incorporate into the crystal structure of hydrous minerals and phases (e.g., apatite, amphibole, serpentine, topaz, humite, etc.) by substituting hydroxyls (O-H), and can lead to the formation of the O-HF hydrogen bond. The high-pressure and high-temperature stability of hydroxyls in the mineral structure is a key factor related to large-scale geological processes, such as slab dehydration, rock melting, and subduction earthquakes. Understanding the configuration of the O-HF hydrogen bond and figuring out how its geometry changes under elevating pressure and temperature are basic mineralogical questions that need to be answered in order to figure out those big scenes.
In this study, neutron powder diffraction experiments have been performed to locate the proton site in synthetic deuterated F-doped hydrous minerals under ambient conditions and to investigate the changes of the H-bonding geometry under high pressure. The obtained structural information has been compared and discussed with the high-pressure spectroscopic observations.
Speaker:Yuki Takaku
Title : Analysis and characterization of Caesium-bearing microparticles (CsMPs) presumed to be a new type flying into the Kanto region
Csボールとは、福島原発事故後に発見された不溶性かつ高Cs比放射能を持つ微粒子で、Type-Aと呼ばれる基本的には球形かつ、粒子サイズが 1 ~ 10 µmのものと、Type-Bと呼ばれる不定形で粒子サイズが 50 ~ 400 µmのものが存在する。Type-Aは福島県や関東地方にて発見された報告例があるが、Type-Bはサイズが大きく飛来しにくいことから福島原発周辺にて発見された報告例しか存在しない。
しかし、本学のアイソトープ総合センターに所属する桧垣先生らにより、事故後数日経った時期に関東地方にて回収したサンプルからCsボールを単離し、IP (Imaging Plate) の輝点からカウント分布解析を行ったところ、関東地方では過去に報告例が無い不定形のCsボールが飛来した可能性が示唆された。また、カプトンテープによる乾式分離により、前述した不定形のCsボールは可溶性の可能性もあり、これまでに報告されてきたCsボールとは特性が大きく異なる可能性も示唆された。そこで、私はこのCsボールをGe半導体検出器や SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) を用いてCsボールの解析、特性の解明を行っている。